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Energy Committee Minutes 05-18-11

Energy Committee minutes taken by:  Martha Broad
Present: Martha Broad
Margaret Campbell
Stu Malmberg
Ryan Prucnal
Burt Shnitzler
Paul Vasington

Committee convened at 7pm
  • Debrief re: Stretch Code Article did not pass:
Lessons learned:
Need to do more advocacy and outreach to conservation-minded residents;
Be ready to give stronger emphasis to benefits, including grant and stronger responses to incorrect perceptions, i.e. “homeowners will no longer be able to do their own renovations.”
Need to be earlier in evening, ahead of conservation votes, i.e. most of our potential supporters left after Weatherbee vote

  • Plan for going back to Town Meeting:
Martha: get a feel for Gr Cmties incentives that will be available Spring 2012
Burt says that Don Lowe says its unlikely there will be a fall special town meeting
Stu: Use this time to complete the other requirements, vehicle policy and energy reduction plan, so that last thing is passage of stretch; go before Selectmen and Advisory much earlier; Strengthen our capability to respond to comments from left field  
New Stretch Code details will be announced by Spring 2012 Town Mtg
Margaret: make energy reduction plan more obvious; solar; Houghton building estimated annual savings;
  • Other Committee Priorities
Stu: continue to explore getting gas pipeline to supply town buildings; also, would costs of that qualify for Gr Cmties funding?
Committee should work with Town (Harold?) re: procurement of high efficiency furnace for town hall; Margaret: 87% efficient required by code; could get to 90%; Stu will reach out; Martha: Remind Linda re: sending our letter to all Committees
Margaret: Committee should promote town’s clean energy accomplishments; MARTHA SEND PV URL to Committee;
Margaret: Does Committee agree we should explore PV on town dump (space is 8 to 10 acres)? Yes.  Margaret has spoken to ; vvhhhTurning Mill; Constellation; Martha will track down and send Margaret an electronic copy of a municipal RFP
  • Energy Reduction Plan Update:
Stu will work with Ted to schedule a meeting (June 1?) for those that are interested re: Mass Energy Insight data; that group will work to design and create a report for the town
National Grid audit of Houghton and other town buildings (will take a fresh look at bldgs audited in 2008, in addition, library and public safety not previously done) Might be incentives to help with Houghton renovation from NGrid; Margaret is helping BAT/Town w/paperwork; Chaves to size it;
Margaret: NGrid is also going to perform “Whole bldg assessment” for both Florence Sawyer and Nashoba.  This will be an indepth analysis with engineering plan; Bill Spratt has funding to help pay for engineering;  study will include the waste water treatment recommendations;
Stu circulated bar chart showing that addition of public safety and library has significantly increased town’s overall electricity consumption.  Need to benchmark to other public safety and libraries. MARTHA will send Stu and Ryan Energy Star municipal building benchmarking URL.
Margaret mentioned there is USDA funding available for at least portions of Bolton.  Stu asked, could their funding provide support for extending gas line to town buiildings?
Paul is resigning.  Margaret will contact Peter Hoover and invite him to submit an application. Burt and Stu need to renew their terms.
Stu/Ryan will contact Linda re: posting notes.
Committee adjourned at 8:20pm